Policy regarding Salary Disclosure Required On CITT/ICTS Job Board

Please read the following guidelines carefully.


  • As of May 1st, 2018, CITT/ICTS will only publish job postings that include specifics about remuneration.
  • Job postings on CITT/ICTS Job Board will be required to contain a range of compensation such as: an hourly wage, annual salary, a salary range, or to provide a link to a salary scale (in the case of unionized employers, for example).
  • Job postings without any information on salary will remain unpublished on the website and will not be included in the e-newsletter.
  • Information about this policy will be clearly indicated on the online job posting form in both official languages.
  • PURPOSE: To provide transparency to potential candidates and job seekers.

Approved by the Board of Directors on April 14, 2018. This policy shall be reviewed and approved annually. Click here to view the policy.