Rendez-vous 2024 Pre-conference Workshop - Training the Eye

août 13 - 14, 2024


CITT/ICTS and the Miikana Project present Training the Eye, a two-day design lab to develop color interaction skills in a safe and inclusive learning space.

The inspiration is the heart-wrenching comment at the production desk, "Why can't we see their faces?" Using a toolkit of design elements anchored in light and pigment-vision color theory, emerging and established designers of all disciplines will develop solutions through lighting various scenarios of inclusive skin tones, makeup, costume, and painted and projected scenery.

This is a 2-Day Workshop:

DAY 1: Tuesday August 13, 2024 (09:30 - 17:00)

Session 1 - 09:30 - 12:30
Color theory for pigment and incandescent light; makeup fundamentals for diverse skin tones

Session 2 - 13:30 - 17:00
Color theory for pigment and LED light; diverse skin tones and makeup with costume color themes. (ex: everything red, everything blue)

DAY 2: Wednesday August 14, 2024 (09:30 - 16:30)

Session 3 - 09:3 - 12:30
Color palette scenarios with skin tones, makeup, costumes, and lighting, and painted backdrops

Session 4 - 13:30 -16:30
Color palette scenarios with skin tones, makeup, costumes, and lighting, with front projected images

Level: General (for all)

Discipline: Design; Education; IBPoC (Indigenous, Black, People of Color); Lighting; Wardrobe.

About the instructors

Sholem Dolgoy (he/him) has worked nationally and internationally as a lighting designer for over 50 years in performing arts and entertainment, corporate and special event, exhibit, and some film and television. He has been an educator for over 40 years, and many former students are valued colleagues. For the Associated Designers of Canada, he led the negotiations for the original 1983 ADC-PACT contract. He is proud to be a Charter Member of IA ADC659.

Rachel Forbes (she/her) is an award-winning, Toronto-based Set and Costume designer creating for theatre, dance, opera and film. Her designs have been seen on stages and site specific locations all across Canada and she is a board member for the Associated Designers of Canada and IATSE Local ADC659. Much of her work centres stories of the African diaspora in North America and beyond.

Course Fee + Payment Instructions:

COST: $180.00 plus applicable taxes. Available to Rendez-vous 2024 registered delegates ONLY (Full Conference Pass OR Day Pass).

The course is limited to 22 participants**

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. When this course is full, you can add your name to a waitlist. If anyone cancels, the seats will be filled from the waitlist.

** If you register for this course without first registering as a conference delegate, your admission will stay unconfirmed and your place will be reserved for a maximum of 24 hours. If you have not registered for the conference after this time, your registration will be automatically cancelled and made available to others. Thank you for your cooperation! (Go to Delegate Registration)

We accept ONLY e-commerce (debit or credit card) payments. If you are unable to use the e-commerce method, please contact us to make another payment arrangement. Thank you.

All fees are subject to 5% GST + 6% PST.

Quick tip for CITT/ICTS Members: Log in first to pre-fill your form and link this registration to your account.

Refund and Cancellations Policy:

This year, cancellation requests due to health reasons will be accepted for Rendez-vous 2024, until midnight on August 12th, 2024. Refunds may take up to 30 days to process and a fee may apply. Please email us for a cancellation request. Note that other than this one exception, event registration fees are non-refundable, please see our Refund & Cancellation Policies for more details.


LOCATION: Henry Woolf TheatreUniversity of Saskatchewan - Department of Drama | Henry Woolfe Google Maps Coordinates

118 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK
John Mitchell Building

DATE & TIME: Tuesday August 13 and Wednesday August 14, 2024 (see detailed scheduled above)

Many thanks to the University of Saskatchewan for the generous provision of a space for this workshop.

About the Miikana Project

The Miikana Project is an indigenous lead collective, presently operating on the unceeded territories of the ḵwxwú7mesh (Squamish), Stó:lō and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations. The project connects collaborative artistic networks and residencies to amplify diverse narratives, innovative creation, and storytelling processes. Networking with west-coast co-producers, spaces and artistic communities, the Project fosters a range of mentorship opportunities for emerging artists and youth.

In Ojibwe—an Anishinaabe language — miikana describes a pathway or journey; both the footprint lines across landscapes and unseen trails of stories, music and creation. Acting as a catalyst for new work, the Miikana Project supports and explores a variety of performance disciplines and curation methods from writing, workshop to initial presentations.

Follow the Miikana Project on LinkedIn
Visit the Miikana Project website (under construction, launching soon)

Ce cours ainsi que les informations qui y sont liées sont en anglais uniquement. Pour toute demande d'information en français veuillez nous contacter, merci.
