Rendez-vous 2024 Pre-conference Workshop - ETC Ion XE Console Training

août 13 - 14, 2024


ETC’s Ion Xe lighting console provides simple and approachable programming and control for conventional systems as well as fully integrated lighting rigs.

Join ETC at the Persephone Theatre in Saskatoon to learn more about the features and functions of this amazing control system!


COST: $149.00 USD/day. Open to all.
LOCATION: Persephone Theatre, Remai Arts Centre | Rehearsal Hall B


LEVEL 2 - ENHANCED: August 13, 2024 |  9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
LEVEL 3 - INTERMEDIATE: August 14, 2024 | 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

You can register for one, or both of these sessions, depending on your needs and experience level.

There are a total of 8 seats available for each day. There will be 4 consoles with 2 people seated at each console. The training area will be set up with four tables. Each table will have one Ion Xe lighting console, 2 touchscreens, and a laptop used for visualization.

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. When a session is full, you can add your name to a waitlist. If anyone cancels, the seats will be filled from the waitlist.

Class will be taught on an Ion Xe console, but is appropriate for all Eos family consoles (Element, Element 2, Ion, Ion Xe, Gio, Gio@5, Eos, Eos Ti and Apex).

Classes are taught by either ETC Staff or by an ETC Contract Trainer.


Course Description

Level 2: Enhanced

Ready to move beyond the basics with your Eos family console? Build the skills you need to take your programming to the next level. Going beyond our Level 1 training, this class will get you going with additional features and functions of your console and get you on your way to programming like a pro.

After completing this class, one should be able to:

  • Edit device attributes
  • Understand display layouts and workspaces
  • Record and recall Snapshots
  • Create more elaborate Groups
  • Be more effective using Submaster properties
  • Record and recall Palettes and Presets
  • Set up and use Direct Selects
  • Understand and use Update, Auto-Mark, and other cue attributes
  • Take advantage of Discrete Timing and Multipart cues
  • Create and use Relative and Absolute Effects
  • Feel comfortable with configuration and test functions in the Shell
  • Create and use a basic Magic Sheet

Prerequisites: Level 1 is generally recommended before taking Level 2.  The Level 1 workbook is available at:

Video tutorials are available at: Level 1: Essentials.
Online classes are available on: LearningStage.

NOTE: We encourage people to read and be familiar with the Level 1 workbook and tutorials prior to coming to the Level 2 class. There may be an opportunity for a quick Level 1 review prior to the Level 2 class starting. Please continue to monitor our website for updates.

Level 3: Intermediate

Think you know all there is to know about your console? Level 3 will teach even the most seasoned professionals a thing or two about the features of their console. Intermediate is perfect for programmers who are comfortable with all the functions covered in Levels 1 and 2 and are ready to learn more.

After completing the class, one should be able to:

  • Additional Patch Features
  • Database & Query Features
  • Macros and the Macro Editor
  • Custom Direct Selects
  • Groups and Multicell Fixtures
  • Manual Control
  • Data Manipulation
  • Update
  • Navigation and Editing in Blind
  • Additional Display Functions
  • Referenced Marks
  • Effects Editing
  • Intermediate Magic Sheets

Daily Schedule

Typical schedule for each day:

Please arrive before 9:00am to check in and get settled.

9:00 AM – Class starts

10:30 AM – Short Break

12:00 to 1:00 PM – Break for lunch. 

1:00 PM – Resume class

2:30 PM – Short Break

4:00 to 5:00 PM – Class will end depending on overall class pace.

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