Associations and Service Organizations Resources
If there is a resource that you would like to see added to this page, please get in touch with us.
* Unless otherwise specified, the websites are in English or bilingual.
National and provincial presenter associations
- Arts Touring Alliance of Alberta
- Atlantic Presenters Association
- BC Touring Council
- Canadian Arts Presenting Association/l'AssocIation canadienne des organismes artistiques (CAPACOA)
- Manitoba Arts Network
- Ontario Performing Arts Presenters Network
- Organisation of Saskatchewan Arts Councils (OSAC)
- RIDEAU - Réseau indépendant des diffuseurs d'événements artistiques unis in French
Theatre production company associations
- Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT)
- Théâtre Associés Inc (TAI) Québec in French
- L'Association des théâtres francophones du Canada (L'ATFC) in French
Professional artist & creator associations and unions
- Alliance québécoise des techniciens de l'image et du son (AQTIS)
- Associated Designers of Canada (ADC)
- Association des professionnels des arts de la scène du Québec (APASQ) in French
- Audio Engineering Society (AES)
- Canadian Actor's Equity Association (CAED)
- Canadian Audio Visual Providers Association (CAVPA)
- CITT/ICTS (Canadian Institute for Theatre Technology/Institut canadien des technologies scénographiques)
- Fight Directors Canada
- IATSE (you can also visit the IATSE Canada Facebook page)
- Illumination Engineering Society (IES)
- Playwrights Guild of Canada
- Quebec Drama Federation
- Saskatchewan Arts Alliance
- The Institute of Canadian Clowning
- Union des artistes (UDA) in French
- USITT (United States Institute for Theatre Technology)
Human Resources Councils
- Compétence culture (Québec)
- Cultural Careers Council Ontario
- Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) / Conseil des ressources humaines du secteur culturel (CRHSC)
Sectorial associations
- Canada Dance
- Conseil québécois du théâtre (CQT) in French
- Entertainment Services and Technology Association (ESTA)
- Quebec Drama Federation
- The Centre for Indigenous Theatre
- Theatre Alberta
- Theatre BC
- Theatre Ontario
- Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts
- USITT (United States Institute for Theatre Technology)
Research and Education
- Canadian Association for Theatre Research // L'association canadienne pour la recherche théâtrale (CATR/ACRT) (you can also visit the CATR/ACRT Facebook page)
- Canadian Conference of the Arts / Conférence canadienne des arts (CCA)
- Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia
- Centre de Formation Professionnelle aux Techniques du spectacle CFPTS (France)
- Educational Theatre Association of Canada (an affiliate of the Educational Theatre Association EdTA)
- ABCDE Association of Drama Educators (BC)
- Prague Quadrennial